The AN-ACC funding model is fundamentally different to ACFI and more complicated in many aspects. Many aged care providers are still struggling to grasp the intricacies of the new model, which requires proactive management to ensure optimal outcomes.
Our team have compiled the infographic below to assist you to understand the new model. You can also download a printable version to display in your facility, share with your team, or to use in staff education.
Health Generation consultants are experts in optimising your AN-ACC funding position. When you need support, not judgement, we're real people committed to assisting you to navigate the changes required by AN-ACC, and ensure the best possible outcomes for aged care consumers.

You can download a printable version of this infographic here
Do you have gaps in funding knowledge and expertise?
Contact us to discuss how partnering with Health Generation will provide you the resources and expertise to smooth your transition to AN-ACC funding, and position your residential Aged Care home to deliver exceptional services.