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AN-ACC Reclassification made simple

Ken Ly

What is AN-ACC Reclassification?

Reclassification is a process of having a resident reassessed by external AN-ACC assessor, and potentially reassigned a different funding classification due to changes in their clinical care needs/burdens.

Reclassification is also referred to as Reassessment.

Why is Reclassification important?

  • Most residents’ clinical status declines gradually throughout their care journey

  • The burden of care gradually increases and so does the cost.

  • Reclassification ensures the funding level matches the cost of care.

  • Without an effective reclassification program, a provider’s revenue is highly likely to decline over time.

What must you know about AN-ACC Reclassification?

Unlike that of ACFI, Reclassification under AN-ACC is completely voluntary.

  • If Providers do not actively identify and request reclassification, residents’ classification will remain the same until their discharge.

  • Providers can have funding downgrades instead of upgrades if the residents requested are deemed by the assessor to have improved.

  • Reclassification is one of the factors that will influence the minimum care minute target of the facility for the next quarter. The other factors that should also be considered are:

    • Admission of new residents and

    • Discharge of existing residents.

  • The funding changes resulted from a reclassification takes effect from the date the request for reclassification submitted.

Currently, there is no fee for requesting reclassification.

What are the Reclassification triggers?

There are a number of triggers for AN-ACC Reclassification, which can be broadly fitter into two categories:

1. Clinical changes

Cognitive ability



Pressure sore risk

Compounding factors

2. Events

1. Hospitalisation

1. 5 consecutive days

2. 2 consecutive days, with general anaesthetic

2. Classification anniversary (AKA classification duration or time trigger)

1. Class 9 to 13: > 6 months have passed

2. Class 2 to 8: > 12 months have passed

3. Transfer to another facility for non-respite palliative care

How to effectively manage AN-ACC Reclassification?

Tips from our field experience:

  • A proactive approach to managing reclassification is always better than a reactive approach.

  • A well coordinated ongoing reclassification program always generates better outcomes than a series of ad-hoc attempts.

  • Randomly requesting a large volume of reclassifications is not a good practice, which can potentially cause significant funding loss and further restrictions from the Department.

  • There is always a risk of funding loss. The goal should be to systematically minimise that risk and not to avoid reclassifications because of it.

If you are still unsure, consider the Health Generation’s MAPE framework for managing AN-ACC Reclassification.

1. Monitor specific clinical indicators

  • Resident’s clinical changes relevant to AN-ACC reclassification can occur at any given time.

  • Clinical changes need to be monitored for timely actions.

2. Assess actual clinical changes against the eligibility criteria

  • Not all clinical changes will result in a successful reclassification.

  • They need to be assessed against the list of criteria approved by the Department.

3. Predict and evaluating the new classification

  • Before submitting the request, the new classification should be predicted.

  • This will provide insight on the potential change in funding and care minutes, which then inform a decision whether to submit a request.

Note: Due to the AN-ACC algorithm is not completely known, providers must accept the reality that the new classification prediction is not always 100% correct. The goal should be to develop capability to get as close to that number as possible e.g. 90%.

4. Enable the reassessment to be completed.

  • The request should be submitted as soon as possible to enable timely reassessment and optimised funding outcome.

  • The facility team must be well prepared for the reassessment visit to enable the most accurate result.

  • Staff should be educated on the AN-ACC assessment process including the interviews.

  • Clinical documentation must be accurate, sufficient and up-to-date to support the assessment process.

Do you have gaps in funding knowledge and expertise?

Contact us to discuss how partnering with Health Generation will provide you the resources and expertise to smooth your transition to AN-ACC funding, and position your residential Aged Care home to deliver exceptional services.

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